
ASVAB Testing Opportunity

 The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is an optional timed multi-aptitude test developed and maintained by the Department of Defense that measures developed abilities and helps predict future academic and occupational success in the military and other career paths.  This test will help you to discover your strengths and interests to map out a post-secondary plan. 

 A passing score of 31 will meet the Math and/or ELA requirements for graduation.

 The ASVAB will be administered on one day only at Marysville Getchell High School. This test will be available for free to MGHS sophomores, juniors, and seniors who sign up on a first come first serve basis with priority given to seniors and NJROTC students (limited spaces available).  Registration is required. Please note that the test can take up to three hours to complete.

MGHS Testing Date: 

Tuesday, February 7, 2023, at 11:30 am in room C111 Students testing will go to 1st lunch directly after 3rd period and then arrive for check-in.

Students must bring and adhere to the following: 

  • Students will need their fully charged Chromebooks and chargers to take the test (loaners will not be available).

  • Students who arrive late will not be allowed to take the test. Check-in will begin at 11:15  am.

  • Students will attend first, second and third periods and first lunch prior to testing.

  To sign up, please complete this Google Form via your student email address. You will be contacted via your student email to confirm or deny your testing appointment.

Any questions, please contact:

Alicia Coragiulo, MSW  

Career & College Readiness Counselor 

