Superintendent's Student Advisory Council

About the SSAC

Students of the SSAC represent the vast, diverse population of the Marysville School District. Students from grades 8-12 are eligible to be members and should be willing to share information with their school's leadership council members. The students participating in the SSAC will play a critical role in the communication process between their school and the district.

SSAC Member's Role:

  • To communicate honestly, openly, and directly with the Superintendent and other building administrators.

  • To encourage student engagement throughout their school.

  • To work collaboratively to help create a student culture of mutual respect.

  • To provide feedback for improving the educational experience for all students.

Mission of the SSAC:

  • To engage diverse student voices and to provide input on district initiatives.

  • To build student aptitude as it relates to communication, leadership, advocacy, and civic engagement.

  • To create a sustainable difference at the students’ respective schools while positively impacting the schools and district.

Structure and Alignment:

The SSAC consists of students from each middle and high school. SSAC is led by elected officers, nominated and selected by the SSAC membership. Students of the SSAC are selected with the goal of achieving academic, socio-economic, and cultural diversity among members. The Executive Director of Equity and Family Engagement will serve as the SSAC advisor.

Five Priorities for Success:

The mission of the SSAC aligns with the five priorities of the district strategic plan. 

PRIORITY 1: RELATIONSHIPS - Develop intentional partnerships and relationships to support student learning. 

PRIORITY 2: STRUCTURES AND SYSTEMS - Develop structures and systems to support student learning in a culture of mutual respect and intellectual engagement. 

PRIORITY 3: TEACHING AND LEARNING - Align curriculum, instruction, and assessment to engage, inspire and prepare each student for their preferred future.

PRIORITY 4: COMMUNICATION - Students and families from all backgrounds access and share relevant information to ensure student success.

PRIORITY 5: RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - Generate, align, and coordinate all available resources to reflect our core values.

Student Advisory Council

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For more information...


Jodi Runyon



Students interested in applying to be a part of the SSAC may apply using the linked Google form. Principals and counselors should also encourage students with strong leadership potential who may not be already engaged in leadership roles to consider applying.


Application Guidelines

  1. Excellent school attendance

  2. 2.5 GPA or better (most recent quarter grades) 

  3. Willingness to collaborate with peers

  4. Skills demonstrated in problem-solving, creative thinking, initiative, flexibility, and a desire to inspire positive change

  5. Skills exhibited in communication and presentation

  6. Attend monthly meetings at the service center

  7. Ability to balance coursework with extra-curricular and community activities